These labels were designed for a self-serve frozen yogurt chain located in Napa, CA.
This business had been opened for a while
when I took over some of the design duties,
and the owner was not satisfied with their existing designs.
The flavor labels in particular did not match the concept of the store,
being too dark and old-fashioned.
I went with more of a fluffy and bubbly design,
and instead of using photos of each flavor, I decided to illustrate them.
I will tell you it took a lot longer to go that route,
but I must admit, I am much satisfied with the end product.
Oh, yeah, and my client was very much pleased with them, too.
fonts used
Niagara Engraved, Existence Light
fonts used
Amerika, Existence Light

fonts used
Porky's, Existence Light
fonts used
Caffe Latte, Existence Light
fonts used
HandelGotDBol, Existence Light
fonts used
Gismonda, Existence Light
fonts used
Atman Bold, Existence Light
fonts used
French Script MT, Existence Light
fonts used
Festival Nights JL, Existence Light
fonts used
Kristen ITC, Existence Light
fonts used
Hobo BT, Existence Light
fonts used
MandarinD, Existence Light
fonts used
Bodoni BdCn BT, Existence Light
fonts used
AmericanUncD, Existence Light
fonts used
MD Gaesungche, Existence Light
fonts used
Matisse ITC, Existence Light
fonts used
Niagara Solid, Existence Light
fonts used
Aquaduct Warp, Existence Light
fonts used
Haettenschweiler, Existence Light
fonts used
GoudySans BlkIt BT, Existence Light
fonts used
Gigi, Existence Light
fonts used
OzHandicraft BT, Existence Light
fonts used
Quixley LET, Existence Light
fonts used
Orange LET, Existence Light
fonts used
PenStitching, Existence Light
fonts used
Myriad Web, Existence Light
fonts used
Pump Demi Bold LET, Existence Light
fonts used
Freehand575 BT, Existence Light
fonts used
Girls are Weird, Existence Light
fonts used
Frosty, Existence Light
fonts used
Glamourgirl, Existence Light
fonts used
GlooGun, Existence Light
fonts used
Souvenir Lt BT, Existence Light
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